Thousands of corrosive attacks occur globally every year
Each attack causes devastating harm. Let's end the suffering.

We are London based architecture studio
12 team members
Certified experts
15 years in the industry
More than 80 projects

How to end corrosive violence
Thousands of corrosive attacks occur globally every year. Injuries are often life-changing, the intention being to cause long-term physical and emotional suffering. By ending attacks, we can end the suffering.

Conduct necessary research to ensure an evidence-based approach to activities.
Research helps to gain a clear understanding of the causes and effects of corrosive violence. It helps in identifying practical and feasible policy solutions. Quality research is needed to evidence the need for change. ASTI has led the way in producing quality research focused specifically on acid violence in multiple countries.
View all our current research here.
Educate and raise awareness on the risks and consequences of corrosive violence.
The best way to end corrosive violence is to prevent it from happening in the first place by addressing its root causes. Many of the countries where corrosive violence occurs possess high levels of violence against women. Like other forms of violence against women, acid violence arises due to inequitable gender relations.
Violence against women and girls is rooted in gender-based discrimination and social norms and gender stereotypes that perpetuate such violence. Education is critical in the prevention of acid attacks and other forms of violence against women and girls. Prevention should start early in life, by educating and working with young boys and girls promoting respectful relationships and gender equality.
Advocate to introduce laws to prevent easy access to dangerous corrosive substances, thereby preventing attacks.
National governments hold the ultimate responsibility for introducing and implementing laws and policies around acid violence against women and girls. Therefore governments should be, held accountable for doing so. They are also well placed to achieve change on violence against women and girls.
The obligation for states to prevent violence against women and girls and to provide comprehensive services to survivors of such violence was established as a ‘due diligence’ standard by General Recommendation No. 19 of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in 1992. One of reasons acid violence occurs is the cheap and easy availability of acid. The State’s due diligence obligation to prevent acid violence includes regulating sale of acid as well enacting criminal laws to punish perpetrators (see Justice? What Justice? ASTI’s study on acid violence laws in UK, India, Cambodia and Colombia.)