Industry has a key
role to play
Easy access to acid creates too many survivors. Industry can help to end corrosive attacks.

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Businesses Prevent
In 2022, ASTI, in partnership with Thomson Reuters Foundation, TrustLaw, Covington, Dechert LLP and Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co released a comparative report on the use of acid in industrial supply chains. With the findings of this report, we want industries to be part of the change – to take action, and do more to stop attacks happening.
Attacks have spread globally with devastating consequences on the lives of many thousands of people. By partnering with ASTI and joining our mission to end corrosive violence, companies can begin reviewing their value chains and taking the necessary key actions. Businesses that use corrosive substances have a critical role in preventing attacks.

Managing risks to prevent corrosive attacks
Evidence suggests a correlation between legitimate business uses of acid and the incidence of corrosive attacks. Your business may be subject already, or in the future, to legal obligations which directly or indirectly go to managing risks to prevent corrosive attacks
Industrial use of acids
Research has shown that corrosive attacks often occur in districts and provinces where there is industrial use of acids, such as the “cotton belt” in southern Punjab in Pakistan which has a large textile production base.
Acid value chain
Global level
Corrosive attacks are not a recent phenomenon. They were first recorded in the UK as early as the eighteenth century during the birth of the industrial revolution when corrosives, such as sulphuric acid, were used as part of the industrial process. Accessibility to dangerous corrosives led to the weaponisation of substances. Attacks became commonplace in the industrialised regions of the UK. Two hundred years later, attacks continue, but now at a global level. Businesses that use corrosive substances in their value chain have a critical role in preventing attacks.
ServiceHow secure and robust is your acid value chain?
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