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12 team members
Certified experts
15 years in the industry
More than 80 projects

Hope Care Rescue Mission (HOCRAM)
ASTI is delighted to support Hope Care Rescue Mission (HOCRAM), a Ugandan-based organisation that supports acid and burns survivors, victims of gender-based violence and other marginalised people in Uganda.
HOCRAM was founded by Linneti Kirungi, an acid attack survivor who was attacked by an ex-boyfriend in 2012. Following the attack, Linneti obtained a bachelor's degree before working for several organisations supporting acid attack survivors. In 2020, her experiences inspired her to create HOCRAM and now, the organisation works with over 200 acid attack survivors in Uganda.
The Tailoring Programme provides acid attack survivors with the skills and materials needed to learn sewing.

Participants are given their own sewing machine and training to make a variety of garments. These skills give them the opportunity to gain an income independently, which in turn helps to build the confidence needed to reintegrate back into society.
HOCRAM give hope to acid and burns survivors through reaching out to victims in hospital.

HOCRAM’s priority area of focus is giving hope to acid and burns survivors and this is done through reaching out to victims of acid and burns violence in hospital. They offer them psychosocial support, nutritional and spiritual support with funding from ASTI.
The consequences of acid attacks are lifelong. You learn to live with the trauma. Some lose everything; their lives, their income, their friends, the will to live.
Linneti Kirungi, Hope Care Rescue Mission Founder and Director