Please support us in
ending acid attacks

Photo credit: Julius Kitone

A devastating form of violence

Why your support matters

Acid violence is a form of premeditated violence usually committed against women. It is rarely intended to kill. The intent is to cause life-long suffering. Acid is thrown at the face to disfigure, maim and blind. The impact on survivors is devastating. It causes skin tissue to melt, exposing and sometimes dissolving the bone below. Survivors face severe pain, permanent disfigurement and disability which often lead to social isolation, further exacerbating mental trauma.

It is a premediated act of severe violence, inflicting profound physical and psychological trauma that can last a lifetime for survivors. 

We are the only organisation dedicated to ending corrosive violence on a global scale. We raise awareness, advocate for rights of survivors and tighten restrictions on the sale of acids. Please stand with us to prevent future attacks, and unimaginable suffering from occurring.

UK donations

You can donate a one off amount or set up a monthly amount through the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) online donation form which is secure and safe.

Non UK donations

If you reside outside of the UK you can pay via PayPal.

How your donation can help

Your donation will be spent focused on ending corrosive violence, thereby preventing the unimaginable pain and suffering that attacks cause. 

We conduct research, ensuring we use an evidence-based approach to all our work. We educate and increase awareness about corrosive violence, and we advocate for the implementation of laws aimed at restricting access to acid, preventing potential attacks.

ASTI's new campaign uses compelling imagery of a fashion shoot by using distressed clothing, representing the devastation of an acid attack.

“The work ASTI does to end this terrible form of violence
is of great importance. Please consider supporting ASTI, because your donation will make a huge difference.

You can also support ASTI by fundraising and sharing information about corrosive violence. Thank you.”

Patricia Lefranc, acid attack survivor

“The work ASTI does to end this terrible form of violence is of great importance. Please consider supporting ASTI, because your donation will make a huge difference.

You can also support ASTI by fundraising and sharing information about corrosive violence. Thank you.”

Patricia Lefranc, acid attack survivor

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